Author: sparking

Asheville Stands With Israel

Please join us at the JCC on Sunday, August 10, 2014 to show our solidarity for the people of Israel.

Micah D. Halpern will provide an informative presentation about the current conditions in Israel.

Halpern, a syndicated columnist, is also a well-known social and political commentator, educator, and historian. He lectures frequently, both in the United States and Israel, on issues relating to terror, foreign affairs, Israel and the Middle East, as well as wine history, and popular culture. In 1997, Micah Halpern was appointed Israel columnist for America Online and continues, until today, to write a weekly, now syndicated, column on foreign affairs, the Middle East and terror.

Women of Wisdom Celebration

Last night, Deutsch & Gottschalk sponsored the WNC Chapter of the North Carolina Association of Women Attorneys Women of Wisdom Celebration honoring women who have been in the practice of law for twenty-five years. Deutsch & Gottschalk’s Elizabeth Newman co-chaired the event and presented the ‘Silver Service Award’ to the honorees.

We send our congrats to the honorees, whose experiences with career, family, non-profit work, professional organizations and creating a healthy work-life balance make them a tremendous resource for those of us following in their footsteps.