We are proud to be located in Asheville, NC, graced with abundant natural beauty, a friendly atmosphere, a wealth of year-round outdoor activities, a rich history, and a lively local arts and music scene.
The Asheville area presents opportunities for a multitude of outdoor and cultural activities, from biking, hiking, and rafting, to gallery hopping, dining, and any genre of music one could imagine. The links to the right will help you discover the region. Our sincere apologies to the many worthy organizations and websites whose links are not featured here.
Professional Affiliations
We are members of the 28th Judicial District Bar Association, the North Carolina Bar Association, and the Asheville Area Paralegal Association.
Bob was President of the 28th District Bar Association in 2006. He is also a member of The American Bar Association, The North Carolina State Bar, and The North Carolina Advocates for Justice (formerly The North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers). Bob is on the Professional Advisory Committee of the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina. He is also on the Advisory Committee of the Recanati School of Management of Tel Aviv University.
Tikkun is a member of the Mountain Area Volunteer Lawyers Group (MAVL); in this connection, he chairs the 28th Judicial District Bar’s Pro Bono Committee. He is also a member of the Bar’s Executive Committee and the Board of Congregation Beth Ha-Tephila.
Elizabeth is the President of the Western North Carolina chapter of the North Carolina Association of Women Attorneys (NCAWA), and graduate of Leadership Asheville 34.
WNC Jewish Federation
The WNC Jewish Federation, incorporated in 1935, has been one of the most trusted names in local philanthropy, raising funds and distributing needed dollars in the greater Asheville and western North Carolina community, in Israel and around the world. It is a volunteer organization comprised of Board members, campaign volunteers, part-time administrative staff, and Executive Director.
The Jewish Federation has served the needs of our Jewish community for many years through programs such as the Asheville Jewish Community Center, the JCC’s Jewish Family Services, The Center for Diversity Education, NC Hillel, UNCA Center for Jewish Studies, and Maccabi Academy. The Jewish Federation raises community dollars to fund the many critical needs of these organizations, as well as support for projects in Israel and for worldwide Jewry through United Jewish Communities.
Bob Deutsch is a past president, and long-time supporter, of the WNC Jewish Federation. He is also on the Board of Directors of the Greensboro Jewish Federation. Tikkun serves on the Board of Maccabi Academy, Asheville’s Jewish day school, and is a member of the Jewish Community Center.
American-Israel Chamber of Commerce
The American-Israel Chamber of Commerce, Southeast Region was established in 1992 as a private, not-for profit (and non-governmental) business organization to boost the Israeli and Southeastern economies by helping their companies develop business relationships with each other and explore new market opportunities. With over 450 members today, AICC is headquartered in Atlanta and serves companies from Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Israel.
AICC has earned the reputation as one of the most successful and effective bi-national business organizations in the United States, delivering great value to Israeli companies seeking U.S. market entry, to American companies desiring entry into Israel and entrée to her incredible technologies, or to those looking for a powerful network to promote their products or services.
Bob is a founding member of the AICCSE board, and the 2012 recipient of the Chamber Founders Award.
Lake Eden Arts Festival
Lake Eden Arts Festival (LEAF) is a non-profit organization established to enhance people’s lives through creative expressions, the arts, dance and music from a variety of cultures. LEAF seeks to cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural traditions and the arts.
Presentations, workshops, concerts, and forums are available for the general public and scholarships are offered. LEAF promotes heritage preservation, multi-cultural education, community outreach, and connecting kids and families to the arts. LEAF also has created and is the vehicle for artists in the schools and housing community program, LEAF in the Schools & Streets.
Bob Deutsch is a current member of the LEAF Board of Directors.
LEAF Quick Facts:
- LEAF began in 1996.
- 5,000 festival goers come to LEAF daily for the 3 days of each festival.
- 550 Volunteers help make LEAF happen.
- 150 Weekend Staff. 450 Performers. 300 Vendors. 800 Kids Under 10.
- Total weekend festival attendance is approximately 12,000.
- LEAF attracts one of the most diverse crowds in the region.